Category Archives: photography

The Littlest Magic Kingdom

This is a charming example of “tilt-shift” photography (a.k.a. miniature faking) , which essentially means taking a photograph of something quite large, then applying the very shallow depth of field that one typically sees in close-up images of small objects. The result? What appears to be the world’s coolest miniature working model of Disney World.

Pics of the Day

For our final assignment in my intro to digital photography class, we had to select an object and take 100 or more photos of it – the idea being that taking that many images forces one to start to think more deeply about how that single object can be photographed.

I chose a Tuffy (the world’s finest pot-scrubbing accoutrement, in my opinion). Sadly, Tuffys are rather difficult to find in our neighborhood, so I’d just ordered some online. 24 of them to be exact. For whatever reason, I was mocked by my colleagues when a box of two dozen Tuffys showed up at my office…

But as it turned out, the Tuffy is not only an amazing dish-washing aid, it is also a quite photogenic subject.  And while I was rather pleased with results (if I do say so myself), it should be noted that I took over 300 photographs before I was able to pluck these few jewels from among the many rhinestones.  Ahh, the joys of digital…


Pic of the Day

This week’s homework involved experimenting with shutter speed. The content I chose was not exactly groundbreaking, but I thought this image was rather interesting. I did have to crop a bit off the top…


Pic of the Day

Oxalis, asleep for the night…


Pic of the Day

I start my photography class tomorrow.  But I have been muddling my way through in the meantime and have managed to snap a few good shots.  I liked this one – a close-up of some one of the very pretty sunflowers Chris brought home last week…


Sometimes a marshmallow-covered Froot Loop is just a marshmallow-covered Froot Loop…

I’ve been changing the header image on my site with a little more frequency, no doubt since I’m taking a lot more pictures with my new camera (and I start my photo class in a couple of weeks!).  Here’s my prior image (click to enlarge):


I quite liked this photo – a tight close-up of a marshmallow treat made with Froot Loops.  Chris and I saw it while in NYC.  I thought the colors and the textures made a great composition and that the tight crop really emphasized those details.

At any rate, I just received the following message from my sister:

Why do you have a photo of semen-covered fruit (sic) loops as the banner on your website? It looks disgusting.

Of course, my reply was “Because that’s how I like them…” Though I also asked if she really thought it was that gross…

Yes, it is that gross. It would be OK if it weren’t such a close up and you could see that it is something normal instead of something dirty.

But what say you, dear readers?  I’ve changed the banner to accommodate Sissie’s very delicate sensibilities.  But I’m genuinely curious as to whether anyone else was repulsed by this photo – or if, like me, they thought it was a well-composed and interesting image.

Total Eclipse of My Heart

What a fantastic image.  They look like super-heroes…


Hindu devotees observe a solar eclipse through specially-designed viewing glasses as they take holy dips in the Sangam, the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and the mythical Sarawati River, in Allahabad, India.

AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh

Chez moi le samedi après-midi…

Just playing with my new toy…  and got some pretty cool shots.  Amazing what good equipment can do…




My favorite and most cooperative model.

My favorite and most cooperative model.

Of course, I’m actually wondering whether or not I should start a separate blog for photos.  I’ll leave it you, dear readers…


So, following in the tradition of my father and grandfather, I have taken up SLR photography.  It’s the perfect hobby – lots of technical knowledge required and a virtually unlimited supply of expensive equipment…  I have no idea what I’m doing (what exactly is depth-of-field?  And the only aperture settings I know about aren’t on a camera – if you get my drift…).  Nonetheless, I squeezed off a couple of good shots right out of the box – and I’ll be taking a photography class come September.

Oh, and I promise to start blogging again on a regular basis.  Since I was mown down by a speeding Mazda my unfortunate bicycle accident, there’s been little to report – other than “Discharge from wound seems to be lessening”; “Rash in armpit”; and “Ow.”  But I feel as close to normal as I have in sometime and the physical therapy I just started (with the very-hunky-but-stubbornly-clothed therapist) should have me back in shape by the time we head to NYC in August.  Anyhoo, enjoy the photos…  There’ll be plenty more…



